H6 Pro Car Intelligent XTool

H6 Pro Car Intelligent XTool

H6 PRO- H6 PRO Car Intelligent Diagnosis Platform

In countries that the trademarks, service marks, domain names, logos and the name of the company are not registered, Xtool claims that it still reserves the ownership of the unregistered trademarks, service marks, domain names, logos and the company name. All other marks for the other products and the company’s name mentioned in the manual still belong to the original registered company.


This product is intended for use by automotive technicians only.
When the engine is running, please keep the maintenance area well ventilated, properly connect the engine and the building's exhaust system. The carbon monoxide generated by the engine will cause the body to be unresponsive and even cause serious personal injury or death.
Wear ANSI-compliant goggles and keep clothing, hair, hands, tools, diagnostics, etc. away from running or hot engine parts.